A true American hero, Rep. Crenshaw has the courage to resist the semantic infiltration of our language by far-left demagogues like Ilhan Omar. Power to the people!
Ilhan Omar Giggles As She Ridicules Opponents of Al Qaeda, And Then Compares Al Qaeda To The Army
This is one for the books, from 2013. If Ilhan Omar’s supporters can sell her behavior in this video then they have unusual persuasive powers. One could almost say that they had “hypnotized the world.”
At 0:11 Ilhan Omar states: When I was in college I took a terrorism class…Every time the professor said “Al Qaeda he sort of [Omar shrugs], like, his shoulders went up, you know, Al Qaeda! Hezbollah! [Omar giggles and pauses]…You don’t say ‘America’ with an intensity, you don’t say ‘England’ with an intensity, you know, you don’t say ‘the Army’ with an intensity [chuckles].
This video would make a wonderful subject for an anti-Omar campaign ad in the 2020 primary.
Creepy Omar Defenders Are Outraged By Accurate NY Post Cover Story Criticizing Their Sainted Ilhan Omar

The usual suspects, including Reps. Tlaib and Octavio-Cortez, rush to defend Ilhan Omar’s description of 9-11 as merely “some people did something. These Uber-leftwing freakazoids are making all kinds of accusations against the NY Post, Republicans, and against everyone except Ilhan Omar.
In Her Speech to CAIR, Ilhan Omar Minimized The 9-11 Attack As “Some People Did Something”
I wonder who Rep. Ilhan Omar thinks did what on September 11, 2001.
Is she not sure? Does that make Ilhan Omar a 9-11 truther?
Or was Omar pandering to any 9-11 truthers who were lurking in the audience at CAIR, without being one herself? That is almost as bad.
Either way, Omar should tell us more about who she thinks did what on 9-11 lest she appear even crazier than usual.
Ilhan Omar Claims To Support Open Borders, But Is Silent On 15 Muslim States Which Refuse To Admit Holders of Israeli Passports

Trump Pretends to Praise Ilhan Omar, Republican Jewish Crowd Boos.
Good for them. I don’t like her either.
Given that Ilhan Omar has called President Trump not human, she has no right to complain when he ridicules her.
The 4/4/2019 NY Times Says Ilhan Omar “Has Been Widely Condemned For Peddling Antisemitic Stereotypes.”
The April 4, 2019 edition of the New York Times states that Ilhan Omar “has been widely condemned for peddling anti-Semitic stereotypes.”