Brilliant front-page story on Omar. Too bad it
Month: June 2019
New Evidence Shows That Omar Lied in her Divorce From her First Husband by Claiming to be Unable to Locate Him
Omar has a history of illegal behavior. A Minnesota state agency recently fined Omar for diverting thousands of dollars in campaign contributions to her own personal use.
Omar Waves Off Reporter Asking Whether She Married Her Half-Brother
The “Macabre Intersectionality” of David Duke’s Proclaimed Support for Ilhan Omar
Sen. Grassley Criticizes Omar’s Regressive Plan to Forgive the College Debts of High-Income Borrowers
U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley
Well-Wisher Congratulates a Dancing Omar on the Anniversary of her Wedding to her Half-Brother Elmi
Purple Rain was OK. I bought it because I liked the song “When Doves Fly” which was deservedly a huge hit. Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On, Love’s Forever Changes and Michael Jackson’s Thriller were better albums, however.

Omar Proposes That the Government Pay Off the Student Loans of High-Income Debtors Such as Herself
As a member of the US House of Representatives Omar earns $174,000 per year. How are Omar and other high-income debtors “held back from pursuing their dreams because of the student debt crisis” as she states?

At Congressional Hearing, Omar Mocks Blacks Who Oppose Legalized Abortion
Mahan and Fields conveyed how they rejected abortion, how they married, struggled, home-schooled their children, and are now proud parents of children with university degrees.
Rather than holding up Fields
MN Democratic Party Failed to Vet Omar Before Choosing Her
Kudos to reporters J. Patrick Coolican and Stephen Montemayor for their well-written and detailed piece regarding U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar
Mystery Robocalls Poll MN-5 Residents About a Potential Primary Challenge to Omar
It would be welcome news indeed if this poll is on behalf of Democratic opponents of Omar. Every day the news about Omar gets worse and worse. Her joint proposal with Bernie Sanders to forgive all student debt, even for wealthy doctors, is grossly misguided.