Omar did not comment to USA TODAY. Conservatives have latched on to the details, pointing to the more than $200,000 Omar has paid to Mynett and his consulting firm, E. Street Group, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.
The right-leaning National Legal and Policy Center filed an FEC complaint against Omar on Wednesday citing the money paid to Mynett’s firm and questioning whether the funds, specifically those on travel, were personal in nature
Category: “Benjamins”
Her campaign donations and spending while decrying others doing the same.
MN State Rep. Steve Drazkowski Continues his Heroic Battle against the Forces of Evil Led by Omar
Omar Demands Trumps Release His Taxes But Hides Her Own Illegal 2014 and 2015 Tax Returns
Omar Claimed She Didn’t Know Whether Her Campaign Had Paid to Redo Her Personal Tax Filings
Suggesting she was being wrongly accused, Omar said in the deposition that the accountant
It Is Illegal Under State and Federal Law to File Jointly with Someone Other Than One’s Spouse
At issue were her joint tax filings with Hirsi in 2014 and 2015, which were filed when she was still married to Elmi.
Part of the $3,500 that Omar was ordered by campaign finance officials to repay includes a $1,500 payment to an accounting firm for services related to the joint tax filings, according to the board
Omar Demands Trump Show His Tax Returns, But Refuses to Show Hers
5) Did Omar gain something by filing jointly?
It’s hard to say. In most situations, filing jointly may reduce taxes for married couples. But Eric Johnson, an attorney who practices tax law in St. Paul, Minnesota, said that’s not always the case and filing jointly might actually increase a tax bill for some.Omar has so far kept her tax returns private. While she has called for President Donald Trump to release his tax returns, her campaign did not acknowledge the AP’s request to release hers. Her campaign also did not answer a question about whether there might be issues with other tax returns prior to Omar’s marriage to Hirsi in 2018.
Associated Press, MPR News, “7 questions on Rep. Omar’s tax returns answered“, June 11, 2019
6) Is Omar now in trouble with the IRS?
That’s not clear. Jeff Sigurdson, executive director of the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board, said that while the board has authority to refer matters to a county attorney if it discovers an issue, there were no referrals made in this case. Sigurdson said the board did not look into the legality of the joint tax returns, but only “whether it was appropriate to use committee funds to get a copy of them.” Sigurdson said the board never saw the returns in question.

Largest Newspaper in Minnesota Denounces Omar’s “Latest Misstep”
More Stonewalling by Omar About Her Tax Returns
I haven
CBS Minnesota Broadcast Reports That Omar Already Knew in 2016 That Her Tax Returns Were in Error
Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s personal tax returns are under a controversial light after marriage status complications. Her spokesperson says Omar complied with the law, Esme Murphy reports (3:09). WCCO 4 News at 6 — June 10, 2019