Omar is criticizing those who merely quote her as inciting violence. She has claimed that President Donald Trump, who posted a video that juxtaposed footage of 9/11 with her
Author: Editor
I am Amazed at Omar’s Comment that “We are Tired of Being Second Class Citizens”
I am amazed at Omar
Who is Ilhan Omar Representing? Because it isn’t America
Think about Nancy Pelosi. She won’t remove Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Relations Committee because, why, because she thinks so little of America? Who is she representing? Because it isn’t America with her thoughts and her regrettable remarks about September 11 and three thousand victims who lost their lives that day.
Lou Dobbs, Lou Dobbs Tonight, Fox Business Network, April 17, 2019 at 1:00 into the video
Ilhan Omar, Harbinger of Democratic Decline?
Contrary to claims by some of her apologists, the remark is not taken out of context, it is not contradicted by anything else she says in the speech, and it is not marred merely because it is factually mistaken. (CAIR was founded seven years before 9/11.) Nor is the problem a matter of inapt phrasing: Omar is a confident public speaker with a precise command of language and a knack for turning a phrase.
The problem is that the remark is foul.
Bret Stephens, “Ilhan Omar, Harbinger of Democratic Decline”, New York Times, April 18, 2019
Progressive Socialists Defend the Indefensible Again
A video surfaced of freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar brushing off the 9/11 attacks as
Sadly, the Majority of Her Democratic Colleagues Have Given Her a Pass
I have no issue with Ilhan Omar as an elected member of Congress. But I do have an issue when the congresswoman continues to foment anti-Semitism with her public statements.
Sadly, the majority of her Democratic colleagues have given her a pass. Some of her colleagues excused her for being ignorant. Some of her colleagues called her inexperienced. Some of them said that they will try to
Don’t give cover to statements that are inarticulate at best or deny the severity of 9/11 at worst.
Democrats are right to condemn President Trump
Victims of bigotry can themselves be perpetrators: That
Even as they defend her against the vicious racism she has encountered, Democrats have to make clear that they do not